Learning About Commercial HVAC Systems
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Learning About Commercial HVAC Systems

Hello, my name is Jacob. I would like to talk about proper installation and repair of the HVAC system in your commercial building. Full scale HVAC systems for commercial buildings require ongoing maintenance and repairs to keep every floor and room at a comfortable temperature. These temperature control systems also control the air quality in the building by sending the airflow through filter elements. My site will cover all aspects of the upkeep needed for these systems. I will also talk about the benefits of keeping your air quality and temperatures at desirable levels. Thanks for coming to visit my website.

Learning About Commercial HVAC Systems

Debunking Common Air Conditioning Myths

Isaiah Chapman

You AC unit is allowing you to benefit from comfortable, cool air in your home. It's especially necessary this year with the higher than normal temperatures in many parts of the country. There are a few myths surrounding air conditioning units that could see your energy bills higher than necessary. Here are the most common myths and their truths to help you enjoy the air without seeing the high bills.

Leaving the Fans on Will Keep the Room Cool

When you're leaving your home, are you tempted to keep the fan on? It's not keeping your home cool and will just lead to higher than necessary bills. The fans simply circulate the air, which is great when you're there. As soon as you get in, you can turn the fan on and benefit from the circulated air.

Closing Vents Will Help Direct the Cool Air to Needed Areas

You've heard that closing the vents in the rooms that aren't in use will help direct the cooler air to the rooms that are in use. This isn't quite true. The air will actually stay in the vents, because the systems are designed to cool the whole home. If you want to cool specific rooms, you'll need to invest in split HVAC systems with zoning features.

Crank the Temperatures Up Instead of Turning the AC Off

When you leave, you may be tempted to increase the temperatures on your system. This myth does have some fact within it. It will be cheaper to turn the temperature up rather than turn the system off completely, as it won't need as much power to get the temperature back down when you return. However, you don't want to increase the temperatures too much.

The U.S. Department of Energy says that you only need to change the temperature by five degrees. That change would need to last for eight hours at least to benefit your energy bills. You can then lower the thermostat by five degrees when you get back into the house. This is great for those who leave for work, but not the best for those on an errand run.

It's Quicker to Cool the Room With a Lower Temperature

Too many people set the thermostat temperature very low when they first turn the unit on, in hope that the temperature will drop quicker. They then boost the temperature up to the level that they require. This will lead to higher energy bills because your unit has to do more work to get the temperature right now. It also doesn't lead to quicker cooling, as the unit will still work at the same speed. Furthermore, turning your air conditioner down too low could cause the condenser to freeze up. Then, the air conditioning would have to be turned off until the condenser can thaw out.

Give your unit time and watch out for the above myths. By knowing the facts, you'll save money on your energy bills and get to use your HVAC system all summer long. Talk with a company like Krewson-Sweeney Oil Inc for more cooling tips.
